Tuesday, July 20, 2010

$5 Challenge!

It is time for action!
The Fundraising Team is presenting a challenge to each and every one of you. If each BDRA volunteer can send in $5 we can make a serious dent in our credit card bill. And if each of you sends an email to your entire address book asking each person to do the same, we can wipe out our debt, start anew, and continue helping and saving those dogs who so desperately need us. Also, please put the $5 BDRA Challenge on your Facebook page. We will continue to update you on how we are doing.

Please mail your tax-deductible donation to:
Blind Dog Rescue Alliance
P O Box 63401
Philadelphia, PA 19114

OR you can send it via PayPal. Just go to www.paypal.com and send your
donation to treasu...@blinddogrescue.com. Remember that when in Paypal,
if you click personal, and then gift, BDRA will not incur any fees on your

Please help us to continue to make a difference. BDRA thanks you and so do all of our current and incoming foster dogs.

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